The definition of “purpose” is as follows: The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. Have you ever thought about what your purpose is in life? This is something I never really thought about until recently. When I was younger, I didn’t care what my purpose was. I just wanted to grow up, have fun, respect my parents, love my neighbor, find a hobby and play some sports. Somewhere along the line, I decided to go to college, get an education and a job, because I realized that I needed to earn a few bucks to pay the bills. Apparently, I wasn’t going to live at home forever. I also found a girl, got married, had 2 kids and bought a house. I went to church and found the Lord, but it was just something of a routine. It seemed to me that I was just living here on earth, but really wasn’t serving any purpose. But it wasn’t until recent years when I started thinking that there actually might be a real purpose for me being here. I still have no idea what that might be or where life may lead me, but there has got to be something else. It can’t just be this…not that I am unhappy or anything, but it sure feels like God has something in store for me in the near future. I will let you know what that is once I find it.
Monthly Archives: September 2016
Came across an interesting article in Business Insider geared towards future entrepreneurs. If you are looking to start your own business and have lofty aspirations, below are some good recommendations of online courses that you should take. Many of these require some diligence and effort, but you wouldn’t be an entrepreneur if you weren’t willing to put in some time. Besides, learning and/or mastering these courses could separate you from the crowd, and could be the difference between success and failure. Good luck!
“QuickBooks Pro 2016 Training: Manage Small Business Finances”
“Mastering Communications for Ultimate Networking Success”
“Startup Business: How To Raise Seed Capital”
“The Essential Guide to Entrepreneurship”
Double Your Productivity By Tomorrow Morning: 12 Step Guide
“The Complete Product Management Course”
“+Acumen Presents: Seth Godin’s Leadership Workshop”
“The Complete SEO Course – Rank Your Website in Google Easily”
“Building a Personal Brand by Gary Vaynerchuk”
Leadership, Management & Entrepreneurship in the 21 Century
Pressure or Fear?
You don’t plan to fail, you fail to plan. This is relevant in any industry, career or sport. So stop procrastinating and start working! Stop expecting and start producing.
“If you’re not prepared, it’s not pressure you feel, it’s fear.”
-Bruce Bochy, Manager of the SF Giants, and winner of 3 world series rings!