All posts by Michelle Eld

Slow Hurricane Recovery in Puerto Rico: Stifling Small Business

Hard to believe that Puerto Rico is still reeling from the effects of Hurricane Maria back in September, but it’s true. Among the hardest hit? Small businesses. Not only have business conditions been bad for years thanks to a decade-long recession, now the area’s entrepreneurs are suffering from delays in restoring and running power consistently. It’s only at about 68 percent! Read on…



Why an internship is invaluable

The hands-on experience that comes with an internship is invaluable. It can help you break into your industry and give you critical tools of survival. I should know. I interned at notable companies like The Walt Disney Company and The Gap where I learned all about Financial Reporting, Analysis and Revenue from the ground up.

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Learning from your business mistakes

Successful people are masters at learning from their successes and failures. They are determined to take their failures as a lesson in life so that they don’t repeat them. So how can you determine your losses and turn them into life lessons? It’s not easy but once you get into the mindset, it becomes second nature.