I read a recent article about rethinking how you manage that really piqued my interest. When there are issues to be resolved and decisions to be made in the workplace, it takes a certain level of effort to get the job done. I’ve been on both sides of the equation here — as an employee who has reported to a superior and as a manager with direct reports. And because of this, I know that there can be different solutions taken that arrive at the same answer. However, some solutions may be more or less efficient or effective than others. Knowing how to effectively communicate, either employee to boss or vice versa, is important here. The key to resolution is ownership — if one feels they are vested in the project or the issue at hand, they’ll take on responsibility and see the task to completion. On the flip side, if there are always questions but no proposed solutions, or if one’s solutions are always discounted, there can be no real ownership. It’s all about the appropriate level of employee empowerment!
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